Stop losing winnable deals

Boost win rates, increase average deal size, and increase revenue per rep with Gong, the #1 Revenue Intelligence platform.

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Make every call better than your last. In the field or selling remotely.

Learn how you can grow your revenue with Gong in this 98 second video!

Quick links to Gong insights and training

The Amazon Call Library

With the Library you can access the “best of” calls from across your team. Listen to a full sales cycle from your team’s strongest rep. Share a killer discovery or demo call.

Data You Can Use

Visit the Stats page to understand how your team is interacting with customers. From patience to topics discussed, your stats will help you make every call better than your last.

Gong Academy

Welcome! Whether you’re new to Gong or a seasoned user, Gong Academy has tips for you. Select your role (Revenue Professional, Frontline Manager, Administrator) to get started.

Workflow Review

Use this workflow review for to learn how to set up your meetings to insure they are added to Salesforce

Gong Community

Connect to other Gong customers, share ideas and best practices, and learn from the best!

Hand-picked resources for Amazon

3 powerful tactics to build rapport

There’s a long list of the changes we’ve all experienced in 2020 and 2021, but one thing remains: building relationships is a top priority. Learn from the data the top 3 ways to build rapport, even over video.

How to become a legendary sales coach with data

Coaching wins championships. This data-driven article tells you how to become a legendary sales coach for your team.

The life of a senior account executive

Learn how an Enterprise Account Executive at ThoughtSpot uses Gong to streamline notetaking, uplevel deal reviews, and collaborate cross-functionally with SDRs and sales engineers.

How video REALLY impacts remote sales

Spoiler alert: Winning reps sell with video. Learn why deals are 127% more likely to close when video is used during the sales process.


Here’s what these Amazon all-stars have to say about using Gong

“I reviewed my call data on one of my calls today. It said I talked 67% and to reduce my talk ratio to 65% or less.
Since then, I’ve been using a pause moment after something is said, and have noticed the customer more willing to elaborate and give me more info. As a result of these efforts, I created a goal-setting deck based entirely off listening and a little bit of data presenting. With customer goals being so important right now for holiday lead-up period, I’m using more of their responses in creating customer-aligned campaigns, helping build trust”
Jeremy Keys, Account Executive


Learn how Jared Nielsen, Account Executive, uses Gong to manage prospect follow-up, track progress on deals, collaborate with teammates, and more.

Featured Gong Academy Highlights

Learning From the Title Fights

Learn how to use the deal boards to extract valuable learnings from your teams active deals and how to collaborate on steroids.

Fast and Effective Follow-Up

Gong’s ‘Points of Interest’ feature provides the information and context necessary to create thorough and personalized follow-up in a fraction of the time it would take to listen to an entire call.

Build the Ultimate Call Library

Whether you are a brand new rep searching for a tried and true pitch or a seasoned veteran looking for a few more tips, Gong’s Library is a feature everyone in the organization can benefit from.

Self-Reflective Coaching Feedback Loop

Learn how to build a hyper-efficient feedback loop between reps and managers

Gong Academy for Managers

Fast & Effective Follow-Up

Gong’s ‘Points of Interest’ feature provides the information and context necessary to create thorough and personalized follow-up in a fraction of the time it would take to listen to an entire call.

Get Started Guide for Reps

This path will take you through a series of tips and videos that highlight best practices that you can put to work right away.

Calls: Review The Game Tape

The best sales reps and managers are always looking for ways to level up their game. Exploring your calls to evaluate yourself and better understand how you’re showing up is one of the best ways to improve your performance. Let’s explore these areas while showing you the most effective places to find call insights.

Compare Stats to Boost Your Game

Top reps are consistently looking for ways to adjust and  improve upon their sales approach. An effective way to identify areas needing improvement is to periodically review your call stats and metrics and compare them to others on your team. What are the top sales reps doing during their calls that you aren’t?

Gong for
Amazon Reps

Fast & Effective Follow-Up

Gong’s ‘Points of Interest’ feature provides the information and context necessary to create thorough and personalized follow-up in a fraction of the time it would take to listen to an entire call.

Get Started Guide for Reps

This path will take you through a series of tips and videos that highlight best practices that you can put to work right away.

Review The Game Tape

The best sales reps and managers are always looking for ways to level up their game. Exploring your calls to evaluate yourself and better understand how you’re showing up is one of the best ways to improve your performance. Let’s explore these areas while showing you the most effective places to find call insights.

Compare Stats to Boost Your Game

Top reps are consistently looking for ways to adjust and improve upon their sales approach. An effective way to identify areas needing improvement is to periodically review your call stats and metrics and compare them to others on your team. What are the top sales reps doing during their calls that you aren’t?

Visit Gong Labs

Check out our Gong Labs series where we publish findings from our data research team. We analyze sales conversations and deals using AI, then share the results to help you win more deals.

New User Training Sessions

Sales Rep Intro & Kickoff

Sales Rep Workshop

Check out the Gong Help Center

Learn how to get started, best practices, and to see what’s new with Gong!



Having Challenges with Gong? We’re here to help!

Submit your issue here or reach out to for help

Do you have a best practice, success story or feedback? Send it to us!

Share Your Feedback


How does Gong drive value and growth for leading B2B organizations? Gong commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study and examine the potential return on investment enterprises may realize by deploying the Gong Revenue Intelligence Platform. 

In this study, you’ll learn how Gong can help you: 

  • Increase incremental profit
  • Drive speed and productivity 
  • Have better business outcomes

Gong in the News

Your dedicated account team is here for anything you need. Don’t hesitate to reach out!

Bill Morris

Strategic Account Executive

Meg Dougherty

Strategic Customer Success Manager

Bob Spina

VP Sales, Strategic Accounts