Stop losing winnable deals

Boost win rates, increase average deal size, and increase revenue per rep with Gong, the #1 Revenue Intelligence platform.

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Make every call better than your last. Get more deals across the finish line.

Hear pro athletes Randy Couture and Russell Robertson say welcome to Gong, Team Google!

Quick links to Gong insights and training

The Playbook for Modern Sellers

This playbook outlines strategies and best practices you can implement today to level up your sales skills, improve relationships with potential buyers, and win more deals.

The Google Call Library

Uplevel your sales skills with a curated library folders corresponding to skills and areas of improvement. Listen to a full sales cycle to ramp quickly. Share a killer discovery or demo call.

Seller FAQs

You have questions, we have answers! Visit this page for post-launch FAQs for Google sellers.


3 Sales Reps from 3 Companies Share Why They Love Gong

Hand-picked resources for Google

3 powerful tactics to build rapport

There’s a long list of the changes we’ve all experienced in 2020 and 2021, but one thing remains: building relationships is a top priority. Learn from the data the top 3 ways to build rapport, even over video.

Women are WAY better than men at this high-value sales skill

We analyzed 103,790 B2B sales calls to see if women and men sales pros differ. And there’s a critical skill that women excel at. Learn why women achieve 8% higher quota attainment than men.

The life of a senior account executive

Learn how an Enterprise Account Executive at ThoughtSpot uses Gong to streamline notetaking, uplevel deal reviews, and collaborate cross-functionally with SDRs and sales engineers.

How video REALLY impacts remote sales

Spoiler alert: Winning reps sell with video. Learn why deals are 127% more likely to close when video is used during the sales process.


This rockstar Googler was at the top of their game last week.

“I worked with my sales team on their positioning of smart Bidding. After bringing calls to our team meetings, and listening back to calls in our 1:1s, my sellers are on pace to surpass quota this quarter” – Colleen Ennis, Sales Manager


We’re here to help! Visit one of these help centers to get all of your questions answered.