Stop losing winnable deals

Boost win rates, increase average deal size, and increase revenue per rep with Gong, the #1 Revenue Intelligence platform.

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Unlock Indeed’s reality to help you and your teams reach your full potential.

Learn how you can grow your revenue with Gong in this 98 second video!

Quick links to Gong insights and training

Instructor Led Training for Indeed Users

This is a recording of a custom introductory training session for Indeed users held on November 1st.

The Indeed Call Library

With the Library you can access the “best of” calls from across your team. Listen to a full sales cycle from your team’s strongest rep. Share a killer discovery or demo call.

Data You Can Use

Visit the Stats page to understand how your team is interacting with customers. From patience to topics discussed, your stats will help you make every call better than your last.

Gong Academy

Welcome! Whether you’re new to Gong or a seasoned user, Gong Academy has tips for you. Select your role (Revenue Professional, Frontline Manager, Administrator) to get started.

Gong Academy for

Fast & Effective Follow-Up

Gong’s ‘Points of Interest’ feature provides the information and context necessary to create thorough and personalized follow-up in a fraction of the time it would take to listen to an entire call.

Identify Your At-Risk Deals

Gong’s Deal Intelligence brings together every interaction from all of your deals into a single view to provide a clear picture of which deals are really on track to close. And more importantly…which ones are at risk so you can turn your attention to those deals that need the extra push to get them over the finish line.

Calls: Review The Game Tape

The best sales reps and managers are always looking for ways to level up their game. Exploring your calls to evaluate yourself and better understand how you’re showing up is one of the best ways to improve your performance. Let’s explore these areas while showing you the most effective places to find call insights.

Compare Stats to Boost Your Game

Top reps are consistently looking for ways to adjust and  improve upon their sales approach. An effective way to identify areas needing improvement is to periodically review your call stats and metrics and compare them to others on your team. What are the top sales reps doing during their calls that you aren’t?

Gong Academy for

Deal Strategies that Work

Gong’s Deal Intelligence brings together every interaction from your team’s deals into a single view to provide a clear picture of which ones are really on track to close. And more importantly, which ones are at risk. Make adjustments and strategize with your reps to try and push those late stage deals over the finish line.

Coaching: Review The Game Tape

This playbook outlines coaching methods and best practices you can use to build a culture of feedback and continuous improvement on your sales team. (READ: Ramp your team and win more often!)

Level-Up: Coaching & Metrics

Help get an understanding on how to coach within Gong and how to leverage your stats to guide your coaching activities and help your team level up!

The Caching Playbook for Sales Managers

This playbook outlines coaching methods and best practices you can use to build a culture of feedback and continuous improvement on your sales team. (READ: Ramp your team and win more often!)

Tell us about your experience

Success Stories

Are you finding value in Gong? Share your best practice or success story and inspire your team! Best success stories win Gong merch!

Having Gong Issues?

Having challenges with Gong? Submit them here so we can take care of you!

Share Your Tracker Ideas

Have ideas of what you want to track in your team’s conversations? Trackers uncover key conversation insights, they can help managers & enablement monitor how their top reps position important themes and messaging.

Share Your Alert Ideas

Let us program Gong so it automatically emails you precise snippets of calls to highlight coaching opportunities.

Need Technical Help?

Contact Gong’s support team if you have any technical questions or issues


Learn how Jared Nielsen, Account Executive, uses Gong to manage prospect follow-up, track progress on deals, collaborate with teammates, and more.

Hand-picked resources for Indeed

These are the best sales email tips you’ll read in 2021

We analyzed more than 300k sales emails from B2B technology companies in North America to see what works and what doesn’t help you book the meeting.

“Driving next steps” isn’t enough. This is what REALLY moves deals forward.

You already know that discussing next steps is good for deals, but there’s another factor that truly gets buyers to sprint like Sha’carri Richardson through the sales cycle…

Women are WAY better than men at this high-value sales skill

Women have a sales superpower. Learn what it is and why women outperform their male counterparts in two key areas.

This Sales “Best Practice” is Actually Terrible for Your Discovery Calls (And it’s not what you think.)

Learn what best practice may be sabotaging your chances at a follow-up meeting and why.


3 Sales Reps from 3 Companies Share Why They Love Gong

On the go? Get the Gong Mobile App

With the Gong Mobile App, you can listen to calls wherever you are, whether you’re in a coverage area or not (offline listening is supported!). You can also use the app to record any ad hoc face-to-face meetings.

Gong in the News

Your dedicated account team is here for anything you need. Don’t hesitate to reach out!

Bill Morris

Strategic Account Executive

Tyler Chandler

Strategic Customer Success Manager

Bob Spina

VP Sales, Strategic Accounts