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The team selling cheat sheet

Sales Management

How To Sell As A Team And Close More Deals

Data shows team selling is the only factor that boosts win rates AND increases deal sizes. Learn how the best sales pros use team selling to get an advantage in every deal and box out the competition.

What you’ll learn
  • Who to bring in deals
    Data shows these 4 personas can open up deals. Get the playbook to turn team selling into your secret weapon.
  • Sell bigger
    Learn when to pull in your team and how to frame the conversation for maximum impact in your deals.
  • Avoid these team selling mistakes
    Done wrong team selling can backfire. See how to dodge common pitfalls and boost win rates and deal size.

How to use the cheat sheet
  • Your team selling guide
    Learn the who/when/how of team selling: Invite the right people in at the right time and your win rates will soar.
  • Become the vendor of choice
    Done right, team selling is a shortcut to ending at the top of your buyer’s shortlist.
  • Higher win rates. Bigger deals
    Become a team selling master with data and see how to drive up deal size and close rates.


Call a friend. Win your deal.

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