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The Golden Gong Awards: Submit your accomplishments and share your story

Gong News

The 2024 Golden Gong awards are officially open! 

This is an opportunity to share your accomplishments this year with your peers and the revenue intelligence community.

With eight categories to choose from, there’s a lot to think about when putting together your application (or applications—yes, you can enter more than one category!). 

The categories

The Transformer uses Gong to drive total revenue transformation.

The Bar Raiser taps into Gong’s AI to supercharge revenue productivity across teams.

The Strategist extracts Gong insights that inform smarter decision making.

The RevOps Leader of the Year creates a seamless workflow between Marketing, Sales and Finance using Gong’s unified platform.

The CRO of the Year uses Gong to adapt to shifting market needs, drive new initiatives, boost team productivity, and hit revenue targets.

The Revenue Team of the Year achieves total revenue transformation with Gong through team alignment, harmonious technology, and customer insights. 

Your application

Set the scene—be a storyteller: Stories sell. So use yours to full effect when submitting for the Golden Gong awards. Make sure to introduce the setting (your industry) and main characters (you and your team). From there, you can use basic storytelling techniques like rising action, climax, and resolution to make your experience jump off the page. The judges want to see how to put Gong to work—give them a story that’ll draw them in.

Keep your audience in mind: Speaking of the judges, remember to keep your audience top-of-mind when writing your submission. This year’s panel of judges is comprised of senior leaders across Gong. They know Gong’s use cases, but not the details of your team or your industry. You may be using Gong in a new way that requires explanation (we love to see this!). Ask yourself, “Does my submission provide enough context for someone outside my organization to fully understand the impact of my accomplishments?” Your answer should be “Yes!”

Quality, not quantity: The longest entry is not the strongest entry. Focus on the quality of your submission. If you find yourself writing a novel, consider chopping up the stories and submitting them into two categories. You’ll have more chances to win, and you won’t have to capture everything in one submission. 

Prove it: Most importantly, have proof to back up your entry. This could be qualitative (testimonials or endorsements from peers and leaders) or quantitative (performance metrics or KPIs). Either way, judges are looking to see how you measurably made an impact in your organization. The better they can visualize the impact of your submission, the higher you’ll score.

Mark your calendars now!

➡️ Start your submission here. Submissions close on April 1st, 2024.

➡️ Email us here if you have questions about the submission process or to schedule a submission coaching call. 

We know how much you’ve accomplished this year and we can’t wait to read your stories.

Good luck! 

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Thank you for your submission.

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