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2021 Holiday Selling Guide

Sales Strategies

Keep your deals on track during the coldest selling months

The holidays are stressful because quota never sleeps. So we analyzed 400k sales interactions to uncover how to boost your meeting hold rate, keep deals moving forward, and improve forecast accuracy during the holidays.

Here’s what you’ll get
  • Dates to avoid
    Certain dates encourage meeting no-shows and prevent deals from being signed. Find out which ones spell trouble, along with dates that keep your deals on track.
  • Talk tracks that set meetings
    Do you know what to say so buyers prioritize the meeting dates you want? Get them to meet when you have the best chance of closing.
  • Insights that solidify forecasts
    Learn how sales leaders keep their holiday forecast on track by spotting deals at risk and course correcting.

How to use the guide
  • Prevent last-minute no-shows
    See which calendar dates make meetings vulnerable to cancellation and deals likely to push, so you can plan your holiday schedule accordingly.
  • Move at-risk meetings
    Say just the right thing and even reluctant customers will agree to timelines that work to your advantage.
  • Solidify your forecast
    Know when deals are at risk based on close dates, then double down on corrective strategies to keep your forecast intact (and celebrate your wins).


Snag the gift of quota.

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