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Fixing the Fallout from Missed Forecasts

Forecasting accurately is hard. We have to evaluate ever-changing variables such as customer behavior, economic conditions, and market trends. On top of that, we try to make sense of the often untrustworthy data that sales reps manually provide. 

When we miss the mark, it’s not a hiccup; it’s a threat to sustainable operations, financial stability, and the confidence of investors and boards. Shockingly, over 80% of companies have missed revenue forecasts in the last two years. Don’t let missed forecasts cripple your business. This report, based on insights from surveying 2000+ business leaders in the UK and the US, reveals the impacts of fumbled forecasts and offers actionable ways to close the gaps. Gain a competitive edge, boost profits, and solidify investor trust.

You’ll discover:

  • Key findings from the survey and survey respondents’ top consequences from their missed forecasts
  • Reasons why we’re getting it wrong
  • The pivotal role technology plays and what you need to consider

Download the report and get on the right side of a revenue resurgence. 

Access the Report

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