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These 43 Questions Will Make Prospects Respond to Your Sales Email

Gong analyzed the last sentence of 304,174 emails. These 43 lines were the most effective at getting a response.

An essential tool for SDRs & AEs everywhere.

This is an instant download. You’ll be reading in seconds.

We narrowed 300K+ calls-to-action down to the statistical best, including
  • “Does it make sense to explore how [see: #1].”
  • “Would it help your team if they could [see: #12].”
  • “Interested in unpacking how we can help with [see: #14].”
  • “Does this sound like something that could [see: #23].”
  • “What’s your reaction to solving [see: #26].”

Plus 38 more CTAs you can use across both cold and warm emails.

Get the cheat sheet now

And you’ll also get our email CTA report, which includes

  • 16 ways to ask for a meeting using specificity…
    Hint: just a word or two can transform your response rate.
  • How to “stun” cold prospects into scheduling their own meetings with you…
    Hint: often the less you say, the better the outcome.
  • The (data-backed) highest performing call-to-action for cold emails…
    Hint: don’t sell the meeting.
  • The cta that more than doubles meetings booked, from 15 to 37 percent…
    Hint: you only use it once you’ve entered the sales process…
  • The cta amazon.Com depends on to sell, sell, sell…
    Hint: it works because it’s direct and to-the-point, frictionless.


It’s free, instant, and proven.

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