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10 Legendary Negotiation Techniques from Chris Voss

Sales Management Sales Strategies

Learn the high-stakes, do-or-die negotiation secrets from master negotiator Chris Voss (you know, the best-selling author of Never Split The Difference?). It’s how elite sellers skip the push back and close more deals.

What you’ll learn
  • Negotiate like a boss
    The best-of-the-best salespeople are the best-of-the-best negotiators. Learn techniques that turned Chris Voss into a legend.
  • Stalemate-breaking techniques
    Mirroring. Labeling. “Fair”. Master Chris Voss’ negotiation hacks to break the no-decision death spiral.
  • Land the deal
    Use techniques top negotiators swear by to bring deals to closed-won through minefields of objections.
How to use them
  • Blow through finish line pushback
    These techniques are designed to expedite time-sensitive negotiations and stack the odds in your favor.
  • Skip end of quarter stress
    Use these 10 negotiation tactics to step into closing calls ready for any and every obstacle.
  • Master high stakes conversations
    Sweaty palms. Shaky knees. Voice tremor. No. No. No. These tips are your bullet-proof vest for when the stakes get high.


Who? Chris Voss. Steal his negotiation techniques and grow your commission.

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