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Obtenez une vidéo de 3 minutes sur la façon dont Gong peut aider votre équipe à conclure plus d’affaires avant la fin du trimestre.

Merci de votre soumission.

See Gong in action

In this 3-min demo video, get under the hood of Gong’s Revenue Intelligence Platform and discover key features that supercharge go-to-market teams.

Key features covered

Call Insights
Record, transcribe and analyze sales calls; search for specific keywords/topics within calls and view call stats
Deal driver
See opportunities customized for reps through troublespots detected in real-time from deal board
Deal board
Get an overall picture of your pipeline, individual deal activity, warnings, next steps, and competitive insights
Deal warnings
Highlight deals-at-risks with specific red flags, surfaced based on the calls and emails with prospects
Word groups and phrases that you can tag on calls to hone in on the most important pieces of a conversation
Deal insights
AI-generated insights that analyze successful deal cycles and match behavior patterns from closed-won deals
Call talk track
Keep logs of call transcripts and Zoom chats; manage playback by speed, speaker, topic, or time
Call library
Organize calls for easy access at a later time with folders (manually gathered) and streams (automatically gathered based on set filters)

How Gong Works

Gong captures and analyzes customer interactions and alerts you to risks and opportunities across your business. Here’s how it works.

How Gong Works

Gong captures and analyzes customer interactions and alerts you to risks and opportunities across your business. Here’s how it works.


Capture frontline conversations to better understand your deals, teams, and market. Here is how it works.

alerte d’affaire
Deal lacks active VP level contacts
Talking for 70% of the call in Discovery
Pricing not mentioned and the deal is closing in 15 days or less.
Gong recommande
Engage 2 more contacts to 5X win rate
Gong recommande
Listen more during Discovery
Gong recommande
Discuss pricing in your next call

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