Maximisez le potentiel de votre équipe de commercialisation

Qu’est-ce qui distingue les plus performants? Quelles transactions comportent le plus de risques ? Quels messages résonnent auprès de vos acheteurs ? Obtenez une démo pour voir comment Gong peut vous aider.

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gong assist


Automate daily tasks and get a live list of deal-winning moves you can action, all in one platform.

Boost productivity

Reps spend more time selling when Assist automates mundane tasks like updating their CRM and drafting customer emails. And they never have to switch tools!

Optimize sales execution

Engage buyers at the right time with the right message. Reps get a live list of prioritized actions and account signals.

Win more with team selling

Give managers visibility into critical action items across their team, so they can promote collaboration and move deals forward.

Boost productivity

Reps spend more time selling when Assist automates mundane tasks like updating their CRM and drafting customer emails. And they never have to switch tools!

Optimize sales execution

Engage buyers at the right time with the right message. Reps get a live list of prioritized actions and account signals.

Win more with team selling

Give managers visibility into critical action items across their team, so they can promote collaboration and move deals forward.


Never miss critical next steps that bring deals to the finish line. Gong Assist understands what’s being said in your customer conversations and gives reps real-time recommendations and personalized information to engage buyers.

Action critical to-dos at the right time
Reps get a live list of suggested actions, including call follow-up alerts, nudges when prospects don’t reply, pre-meeting introductions, no-next-meeting reminders, and more.
Update your CRM in one place
Add and edit CRM fields on demand without switching tools.
Automate and personalize customer email outreach
Engage buyers without lifting a finger. Use email templates containing data that’s based on customer conversations.
Stay on top of key buying signals
Get a real-time stream of account engagement events so you know when and how to connect with customers.
Action critical to-dos at the right time
Reps get a live list of suggested actions, including call follow-up alerts, nudges when prospects don’t reply, pre-meeting introductions, no-next-meeting reminders, and more.
Update your CRM in one place
Add and edit CRM fields on demand without switching tools.
Automate and personalize customer email outreach
Engage buyers without lifting a finger. Use email templates containing data that’s based on customer conversations.
Stay on top of key buying signals
Get a real-time stream of account engagement events so you know when and how to connect with customers.


Gong Assist gives me a game plan. It prioritizes all of my action items and puts them in a central dashboard that enables me to maximize my time and act on the most important to-do’s. I can keep momentum with my deals and see them through the finish line faster.
Katherine Hutter
Account Executive


Gong Assist gives me a game plan. It prioritizes all of my action items and puts them in a central dashboard that enables me to maximize my time and act on the most important to-do’s. I can keep momentum with my deals and see them through the finish line faster.”
Katherine Hutter
Account Executive


Stop deals from slipping. Maintain buyer engagement using Gong Assist, and you’ll stop the leaks happening in your pipeline.

Did you know…

Increase in win rates if you follow up within 48 hours of a buyer call (Source: Gong Labs)
Decrease in deal duration if you reply within 24 hours to buyer emails (Source: Gong Labs)
Average time spent selling(Source: Forrester’s Sales Activity Study)


frequently asked questions

What is needed to use Gong Assist?

To use Gong Assist, you’ll need to have a CRM (Salesforce or HubSpot) and enable Gong to access your email and calendar.

Are emails sent from Gong Assist automatically synced to my CRM?

Gong gives you the option how you want emails to be synced to your CRM. Options include:
Sync to your CRM all emails sent from your team
Sync to your CRM only emails sent from Gong Assist.

All call data is automatically synced with your CRM

WANT TO make reps more productive?