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Reality of forecasting report 2022

Sales Forecasting

Unlock reality-based forecasting for your revenue teams.

We surveyed over 900 sales professionals and only 22% said their organization’s forecasting process is efficient and 27% said that it produces accurate results. 

At the same time, 63% of respondents said this process is critical. 

So where’s the disconnect between priority and reality?

In the report you’ll uncover
  • The #1 issue impacting your forecast
    Identify the number one issue impacting your ability to forecast with accuracy and what it’s costing you.
  • R.E.A.L. forecasting
    Dive deep into four principles to transform your forecast from guesswork to precision. 
  • the most common metric used to inform forecasts
    And why it’s falling short.

How to use the report
  • Increase forecast accuracy
    Leverage real-time customer interactions for complete visibility into your pipeline and committed forecast.
  • Streamline your team’s efforts
    Increase the efficiency of your forecasting efforts by aligning your teams and consolidating data sources and tools.
  • Call your number with confidence
    Align your teams around a single source of truth to foster transparency and trust.

Unlock reality-based forecasting.

Here’s how.

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