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The Cold Call Cheat Sheet

Sales Management Sales Strategies

Get your free sales cheat sheet and learn about the 5 golden rules of cold calls!

Gong analyzed 90,380 recorded cold calls to provide you with data-backed insights on how to master cold calls. In this cheat sheet, discover the winning techniques that top reps use and apply it to your sales motions to win big.

Get the cheat sheet and in seconds, get answers to the following…

  • Cold calls that opened with this question boasted a 10.01% success rate compared to the 1.5% baseline…
  • You can double your success rate by doing this at the beginning of each cold call…
  • This counterintuitive approach is one of the guiding call-call principles of top sellers…
  • Doing this on every cold call to own the conversation and secure more follow ups…
  • The longer the cold call, the better — and having this ethos will help you more than double most of your calls…


It’s free, instant, and proven.

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