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New Year, New Opportunities

Revenue Intelligence Sales and Revenue Operations Sales Strategies


The new remote sales environment continues to present challenges, yet it brings a surprising degree of success.

Customers have become savvier and are demanding more, sales are increasingly becoming digital and operating models more hybrid. And the current recessionary environment only adds to the urgent need for change.

To understand this new era of sales and hit the ground running this year, there are 5 trends you can’t afford to ignore. The ability or inability to adapt to these shifts can have serious implications on whether you exceed revenue targets in 2023.

Join this webinar to learn the tools and skills your team needs to maximize revenue according to the latest data from Gong and guest Forrester. You’ll unlock reality (and revenue) by incorporating cutting-edge insights into your strategy for 2023.

Dan Morgese, Sr. Manager, Thought Leadership
Kara Kayrouz, RVP Strategic Sales
Seth Marrs, Principal Analyst, Forrester

Here’s what you’ll learn

With fewer at bat and higher stakes, there’s a lot of pressure on sellers to hit (and exceed) quota this year. That’s why we’ve called in the experts to chat through a data-backed action plan to overcome obstacles and maximize opportunities in the current selling environment. Join us for 30 minutes of content and a 15-minute live Q&A with Forrester and Gong experts to drive impact from your pipeline

  • 5 trends transforming sales
    Understand the impact of an inaccurate forecast
  • How to increase the impact of technology
    Maximize the value revenue teams bring to every interaction with their buyers.
  • Best practices you can use today
    Hear how the best are pivoting their go-to-market strategies amidst market changes.

Hit the ground running. Level up your 2023 today.

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