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Learn how to influence buyers & close more deals

Sales Engagement Sales Strategies

LIVE EVENT | Wednesday, March 9th | 10 am PST

These psychological principles are proven to reduce uncertainty and persuade buyers to act now.

Over 4 million people use these techniques to tap into their customer’s emotions.

Featured speakers:
Robert Cialdini Psychologist & Author, “Influence”
Devin Reed Head of Content Strategy Gong

Unlock the science of sales

Success in sales goes beyond tactics and grit. If you want a lasting career in sales, you have to understand the emotional triggers that motivate buyers to make a purchase – YOUR purchase. 

You’ll learn Robert Cialdini’s (a.k.a. the ‘Godfather of Influence’) three universal principles and how to use them to become a skilled persuader in a free virtual session.

Here’s exactly what you’ll learn
  • Deal-closing social proof
    Social proof techniques that’ll sway your buyers to a ‘yes.’ 
  • Instant credibility
    Uncover how to use the power of authority to become a trusted advisor in seconds, not weeks. 
  • Loss aversion
    See how to harness the law of scarcity to encourage buyers to act without hesitation. 


Success in sales goes beyond tactics and grit. If you want a lasting career in sales, you have to understand the emotional triggers that motivate buyers to make a purchase – YOUR purchase.

You’ll learn Robert Cialdini’s (a.k.a. the ‘Godfather of Influence’) three universal principles and how to use them to become a skilled persuader in a free virtual session.

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