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The sales leader’s playbook for high-impact coaching

Sales Management

5 coaching techniques that produce BIG results

Can’t-miss coaching opportunities are hiding in plain sight. Learn how to spot them, break bad coaching habits, and set your team on an unstoppable winning streak with these 5 coaching power plays.

Here’s exactly what you’ll learn
  • Coach smarter, not harder
    Crack the code to high-impact coaching that moves the needle on your team’s performance.
  • Remote-ready
    Your playbook for what to do now that tap-on-the-shoulder coaching opportunities just aren’t there.
  • Coaching doesn’t scale?
    Yes, it does. Learn how top performing teams scale their coaching initiatives to drive organization-wide results
How to use the coaching playbook
  • Increase your coaching ROI
    Get more out of your coaching. Steal secrets from elite sales leaders on where to focus your coaching efforts.
  • 5 Coaching power plays
    Tactical coaching, strategic coaching, and personal coaching: get your coaching engine firing on all cylinders.
  • Turn your team into feedback fanatics
    The beauty of coaching? The more high-impact feedback you give, the more your reps will crave your coaching.


Talent wins deals. But coaching wins championships.

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