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The 7-Point Checklist for Airtight Pipeline Reviews

Sales Forecasting

FREE Sales Checklist

After AI-analyzing over 300K sales emails, Gong uncovered a handful of patterns explaining why seemingly “airtight” deals fall through.

  • Patterns around decision makers
  • Patterns around talking points
  • Patterns around frequency

This is free, instant download.
You’ll be reading in seconds.

This is free, instant download.

You’ll be reading in seconds.

Run through this checklist before — or during — every pipeline review to arrive at a logical, accurate forecast based on data.

This is free, instant download.

You’ll be reading in seconds.

Plus when you get the checklist, you’ll learn exactly why these patterns exist
  • Learn why, on average, deals-won involves this many points of contact via email:
    see part 2
  • Learn why, email communications
    explode during this part of the deal cycle:
    see part 4
  • Learn why, this number is the average frequency of email sent among deals-lost:
    see part 3
  • Learn why, close rate decline an astounding 71% when this topic
    is covered:
    see part 5
  • Learn why, win rates are 10% higher when pricing is discussed on this specific call:
    see part 4
  • Learn why, win-rates drop 20% when buyers mention this subject during a late-stage deal:
    see part 6

Get the 7-Point Checklist for Airtight Pipeline Reviews

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