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The multi-threading playbook: 3 plays to steal today

Sales Management Sales Strategies

Your guide for turning pushback into pipeline

Do you have a backup in case your main point of contact goes dark? If you aren’t sure, this playbook is for you…

Multi-threading is how top performing reps close more deals and land larger accounts. Start stacking the odds in your favor – and closing 6-figure deals – with these 3 ready-to-fire multi-threading plays.

Why multi-threading is all the rage
  • Reason #1 – It’s what success looks like
    On average, winning deals have three people from the buyer’s side involved in the deal.
  • Reason #2 – It takes an army of champions
    Your buyers make decisions by committee, it’s up to you to win the battle of influence.
  • Reason #3 – It’s insurance for your deals
    Putting all your eggs in one basket? You’re one “I quit” away from kissing that deal goodbye.

What’s in the playbook
  • 3 Ready-to-execute plays
    Multi-threading sequences you can apply to your sales cycle now.
  • Backed by data
    Don’t take our word for it, the data speaks for itself.
  • Email templates to boot
    You’re one copy/paste away from becoming a multi-threading master.

Here’s what you’ll learn
  • Keep heavy influencers engaged throughout your sales cycle.
  • How A-Players reel in decision makers and set themselves up for the win.
  • Tried and tested talk track to break down the barrier with top management.

Get in on the action

Multi-threading is hard, but once you try it you’ll get why top sellers swear by it. Update your game plan and uplevel your selling skills with our multi-threading playbook.

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