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Gong Raises $65M Led By Sequoia Capital

Product News

I am excited to update that we have secured an additional $65M in funding. The round was led by Sequoia Capital bringing our total capital raised to $134M.  

Sequoia is one of Silicon Valley’s most enduring venture capital firms, investing in legendary companies including Apple and Google and breakthrough companies like Dropbox and Stripe.  We are honored to be welcomed into the fold of what Sequoia has termed “Dentmakers.”  

I am also thrilled to welcome Carl Eschenbach to our board.  His operating experiences with VMware and Inktomi and investing experiences with companies like Zoom, Palo Alto Networks, and Snowflake will be invaluable for Gong.  In his own words, Carl sees Gong as the ‘next big evolution after CRM.’ Talk about making a dent.

We are only four years in, and just getting started on this multi-decade ride.  We wouldn’t be here without all of our raving fans. We really appreciate your support!

We now have close to 800 customers, 5X revenue growth in 2018 and 3X this year.  The market seems to be excited by our vision. This latest round enables us to continue to execute on our vision and bring revenue intelligence to everyone.  We will double-down on investing in our product & engineering, in order to continue to bring new capabilities to the market. We can’t wait until you see what the product will bear in 2020 and beyond.

Thank you for joining us on this journey. We deeply appreciate your support.

Check out the official press release here.

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