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Meet the World’s Best Sales Automation Software

From top to bottom, Gong’s sales automation software gives salespeople access to team-wide insights around what’s working, what’s not, and where they can personally improve. And Gong always provides the data and insights to take the right next step toward closing the deal.

6 Reasons to Use Sales Automation Software

When we asked our customers why Gong is the best sales automation software on the planet, here’s what they said.


The Ability to Replicate Winning Plays

Any seasoned sales exec will tell you that a sink-or-swim strategy will only take a team so far. Rather than leaving new or underperforming reps to figure it out on their own, Gong lets sales leaders identify the behaviors of top performers that they want replicated. Just copy/paste your top reps’ playbook and drive success across the entire team.


Activity Tracking Happens Automatically

Sales leadership will not only be able to dissect closed-won deals to see what worked, but glean insights from all activity to find the right talk tracks and coaching opportunities—perfect for sales ops and sales engagement professionals. Gong makes it easy to see a full list of account activity from one or multiple team members, giving leadership unprecedented visibility.

Reason #3

Personalized Recommendations for the Next Best Step

A rep’s day-to-day activities shouldn’t be a guessing game. Instead, Gong Assist automatically identifies and prioritizes email follow-ups, meeting recaps, and opportunities to engage decision makers. That way, reps will focus on the activities most likely to generate revenue within each account.

Reason #4

A Massive Boon to Sales Productivity

No rep ever won a deal by staring at a blinking cursor, or clicking around a CRM to track down information. Gong is brimming with productivity hacks that help keep deals moving toward the finish line. Coach colleagues and reps on the go. Integrate with productivity tools like Outlook, Teams, Webex, and Zoom. Quickly search transcriptions, schedule meetings ahead of time, and see how many calls a particular rep is making. Gong sales automation is all about shortening sales cycles and improving productivity.

Reason #5

Infinite Memory to Record All Activity

Ah, the beauty of cloud-based sales recording software. Gong records everything, from outreach emails and cold calls to sales presentations, deal activity and everything in between. This gives reps peace of mind and the confidence to do a lot less note taking and a lot more selling (because you can always go back and quickly search the database).

Reason #6

Shortened Ramp Times for New Reps

One satisfied customer told us they have new reps sit and listen to dozens of sales calls during their first week. Thanks to Gong, these new reps are ready to give demos within days, not weeks. That means faster time to productivity, time to quota, and far better retention rates. Bye bye, call shadowing! Give new hires a winning playbook based on real conversations.

Why Top-Performing Sales Teams Think Gong’s the Best Sales Automation Software

On most sales teams, there’s about a million things going on at once. There’s all the deals in the pipeline, each at various stages. There’s seasoned reps crushing big-time demos, alongside the rookies just trying to find their way. And of course there’s the sales directors, heads of growth, and sales VPs trying to make sense of it all.

Sounds like just the job for Gong.

Gong is always working for sales teams to uncover what works and what doesn’t. It uses powerful AI to not only record and transcribe every sales interaction, but analyze all that data to tease out the recommendations that will help sales teams close more deals. 

Sales automation software? More like a sales automation superhero.

But Gong is much more than recording technology and AI. Gong can automatically segment recordings for managers so they only need to listen to the most valuable parts of calls and demos. It’s super easy to adopt for reps, too. And ramping reps love it because they can listen to top rep’s calls to hear how they pitch the product, address objections, and get commitments.

Put simply, Gong has got the goods when it comes to sales automations and the ability to connect data from critical revenue systems.

Gong’s Approach to Sales Automation Software

Let’s face it: your reps probably won’t close 100% of their deals. That doesn’t mean they can’t close 100% of their winnable deals. Which is exactly where Gong sales automation comes in. While your sales team is busy moving deals through the pipeline, Gong is there to help them toward improving the success rate.

Automatically Track and Log Sales Activity

Taking notes and tracking down emails is for the birds. Gong logs all interactions for you—across every call and email—so you know what’s what in every account, opportunity, contact, and lead. Not to mention seamless integrations with your CRM of choice (ahem, Salesforce), so you know your records are always up to date.

Take a Page out of Your Top Performers’ Playbook

High-performing sales reps are inherently competitive. They have to be! But top-performing sales teams have one thing in common: they give all of their reps insight into winning behaviors. Gong automates that process by categorizing sales teams into performance tiers tied to their CRM records. Reps across your organization will be able to see the talk tracks, terminology, and call tactics that your best reps use to win business.

Find the Next Best Step to Win Deals

One of the main reasons that deals lose velocity is the follow-up. Either reps can’t find the time to follow up after important calls, don’t prioritize their action items well, or can’t figure out how to follow up best. Gong Assist analyzes activity, automatically flags action items, and helps reps prioritize follow-ups based on what’s most important. If a rep needs to follow up right away, they can fire off the response without leaving the Gong interface.

How Does Gong’s Sales Automation Software Work?

What differentiates our sales automation software is how easy it makes life for your salespeople. While reps are busy doing their thing—talking to prospects, giving demos, or sending outreach emails—the Gong platform is always there recording and transcribing, analyzing, and making recommendations. Here’s what that looks like in practice:

step 1

Capture data from phone and email interactions 

AI is a wonderful thing and Gong AI is wonderful for sales. It will automatically pull out key parts of a salesperson’s interactions, including deliverables they’ve committed to, as well as keywords and phrases. At any given time, salespeople have access to a searchable database of all transcripts, so they can focus on active listening instead of detailed note taking during calls.

step 2

Show reps what they need to improve (and how)

Salespeople love the ability to listen to how leading reps conduct calls to incorporate best practices into their own interactions. Plus, the Gong algorithm automatically analyzes calls and demos for filler words, potential discovery questions, and timing metrics. You’ll be amazed at how quickly reps improve when they can see scores for talk ratio, patients, interactivity, monologue—all the important ingredients of strong presentation and questioning.

step 3

Automatically recommend personalized next steps

Let’s say a rep mentions scheduling a follow-up during one of their calls. Or they commit to sending supplementary materials that answer a question. Gong will automatically remind them of those action items and recommend the next best step based on deep algorithmic analysis. That way, reps are never left guessing on what they need to do to keep the sales process moving along at speed.

See Gong in action

Much More Than Sales Automation Software

Sales automation is just part of what the Gong platform can do. Gong is what happens when sales automation and revenue intelligence meet—a powerful combination for operationalizing customer interactions to fuel the entire go-to-market team.


Listen to the voice of your prospects. Learn from the conversations that your top performers are having. And replicate those insights across the team so that everyone is pulling in the same direction.


Zoom out from the deal level to see the health of your entire pipeline. Gong will help you uncover the risks, get ahead of deal killers, and call the right forecast every time.


Bring your go-to-market teams together so they’re speaking the same language. Many teams use Gong to analyze go-to-market strategies for new products and see how the market responds.

See Gong’s Sales Automation Software In Action

Say Goodbye to Educated Guesses and Hello to Data-Backed Decision Making

What the Pros Say About Gong’s Sales Automation Software

Being able to go back and listen to calls is extremely beneficial especially when your job revolves around several calls a week. Notes can only do so much as you don’t want to seem more concerned with note-taking rather than talking with your client. This gives you the ability to go back and listen, word for word, on things said or asked so that you can make sure that whenever you follow up with your client, it is accurate to what was already discussed.

I love that Gong literally captures my whole conversation with a customer and then I can go back, grab any notes I might have missed, take snippets of conversations and send them across my org from different departments and then on top of it analyzes my speaking time versus my customers and on top of it sentiment too! Never thought I’d like a call recording system but it truly makes my life easier at work.

Super simple user flows and a really great way for you to engage every team member. The automation elements are easily accessible and new users can get 80% of the platform value without much training as a result.

“Oh Wow”

3,000+ Rave Reviews

Time to Take Gong Sales Automation Software For a Spin

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Common Questions About Sales Automation Software

You’ve got questions about sales automation software and we’ve got the answers. Well, our knowledge subject matter experts do (we asked them).

What is sales automation software?

Dialer software is an automated system that places outbound calls to customers. It saves rep time by avoiding repetitive tasks like dialing and maximizing time spent connecting with prospects. Dialer software can work on both desktop and mobile, allowing sales reps to connect with customers from their preferred device.

How does Gong’s sales automation software work?

Gong joins, records, and transcribes every client interaction automatically. Our powerful AI can analyze endless amounts of interaction data to extract action items, coaching opportunities, and repeatable behaviors. It’s like an always-on sidekick that’s always there, from pipeline analysis and forecasting to high-level strategy.

Why should you use sales automation software?

Because time to productivity for new reps should happen in days, not weeks. Because accurate forecasting and reliable insights into pipeline health are critical to success. And because the keys to success are already there—most teams just need the right sales automation solution to find them.

What is Gong Assist?

Gong Assist is all about improving productivity. It can automatically analyze interactions and automate the low-value tasks that keep reps from moving deals forward.

What kind of next steps does Gong Assist recommend?

Sure, it’s nice when to automatically remind reps to schedule those meetings and follow-ups they mentioned during the call. But Gong Assist will draft the actual emails to save reps the effort. Oh, it’s a prospect’s birthday? Gong Assist will remind the rep on that account. It will let them know when that rep gets a new job title, too. Gong Assist can automate SDR outreach, account executive handoff, and account executive to Customer Success Manager handoff.

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