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How BlueGrace’s reps got an 88% lift in reply rates using Gong Engage

By Hannah Hapin
4 min read

Round the World in Many Ways: How Mimecast Secured a Successful Global Messaging Rollout with Data

By Hannah Hapin
8 min read

How Funnel Increased Messaging Adoption by 76% Across Global Teams with Gong

By Hannah Hapin
3 min read

Gong for BDRs: How Aircall boosted qualified pipeline by 35% in EMEA

By Hannah Hapin
6 min read

ServiceTitan Gains Higher Close Rates with Gong for Deals

By Hannah Hapin
1 min read

Research, recommendations, and reality: How Gong helped Mintel increase win rates by 34%

By Hannah Hapin
5 min read

Gong’s Real Time Customer Feedback Drives Quotient’s Results

By Hannah Hapin
4 min read

Watch Appen use Gong to onboard CSMs 4 months faster

By Hannah Hapin
6 min read

BlueCat Empowers Their Field Team to Understand Their Pipeline

By Hannah Hapin
1 min read