Maximieren sie das potenzial ihres go-to-market-teams

Was zeichnet Spitzenreiter aus? Welche Deals haben das größte Risiko? Welche Botschaften kommen bei Ihren Käufern an? Holen Sie sich eine Demo, um zu sehen, wie Gong helfen kann.

Vielen Dank für Ihre Einreichung.


Learn how economic conditions impact your business so you can address risk immediately.

Spot Risk Early

Identify early signals about the potential impact of the current economic climate on their prospects.

Analyze Trends

Spot trends and analyze how economic conditions are impacting specific areas of your business over time (e.g. by segment, stage, team, etc.).

Maximize Success

Hit revenue and pipeline metrics in the face of economic headwinds.


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Some of our 4000+ customers


Sales Coaching

Get total visibility into common topics and turn insights into winning playbooks that win deals.


Gong analyzes every data point in your deals to provide the most reliable forecast on the market.

Strategic Initiatives

Use continuous market feedback to iterate on new programs in the field so big bets pay off.

Deal Execution

See a 360° view of the entire deal—gaps and all— so you can catch and address risks early on.


“Gong gave us the assurance that our reps were doing the right things during their discovery calls and demos. We’ve shortened our sales cycle to just 16 days and more than doubled our close rates.”
David Ellis
Sales Director

Frequently asked questions

What is Gong?

Gong empowers your entire go-to-market organization by operationalizing your most valuable asset – your customer interactions. Transform your organization into a revenue machine by unlocking reality and helping your people reach their full potential.

Who is Gong for?

Gong is for professional go-to-market teams looking to leverage customer insights to help people and companies reach their full potential. Here are the roles we most commonly serve:

  • Sales Leaders Executive-level sales leaders use Gong to convert more of their pipeline into closed revenue by shining the light on their team’s sales conversations.
  • Frontline Sales Managers Frontline sales managers use Gong to up their reps’ game with time-efficient call coaching.
  • Sales Enablement Sales enablement professionals use Gong to maximize revenue per rep and accelerate onboarding ramp time for new sales hires.
  • Sales Reps Account executives and SDRs use Gong to make every one of their calls better than the last by capturing their calls and turning them into smart, reviewable “game film”.
What kind of company makes a good customer for Gong?

Professional B2B go-to-market teams who sell by phone or conference call who need to capture and get visibility into all customer interactions.

How secure are my recordings and data?

Gong offers the highest level of security to all customers. Gong is compliant with SOC2 Type II, EU Privacy Shield, and with the upcoming GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). Recordings and all other data (such as transcript data) are stored in Amazon data centers, and are encrypted at rest and in transit.

How does set up work?

Setup is Simple and takes around 5 minutes.

  • Join
    First, you’ll create an account.
  • Invite
    You’ll invite your team within the platform. They will receive an email to login.
  • Connect
    Your team will complete a 3-click calendar integration.
  • Use
    Gong will then start recording, transcribing, and analyzing their scheduled sales calls.